PB’s Henke earns APTA business member award

Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief

Cliff Henke, a Senior Principal Technical Specialist at Parsons Brinckerhoff, has received the American Public Transportation Association’s 2012 Outstanding Public Transportation Business Member of the Year Award.

Henke, said PB, “is a nationally and internationally known technical, strategy, and policy analyst, experienced in international and U.S. public transportation industry analysis, funding and business trends, and forecasting.” He has led PB’s market initiatives in streetcars and bus rapid transit (BRT) in the U.S. and directed the firm’s global practice area network on BRT, bus fleets, and facilities.

APTA recognized Henke “for his involvement in the organization’s government affairs programs, his work to establish and grow the transit industry’s standards program, and his expertise in technology development and forecasting.” He has served as chair and co-chair of the APTA Government Affairs Committee and has been an active member of the organization’s Legislative Steering Committee. Henke “led an aggressive effort to enhance business member involvement in APTA’s advocacy in the federal policy and legislative arenas and spearheaded efforts to provide business members with training tools to facilitate active grassroots advocacy,” said PB. He has been a member of APTA’s Board of Directors and its Business Member Board.

Described as “an early advocate for industrial standards,” Henke was appointed to the APTA Standards Development Oversight Council when it was created in 2003 and he continues to serve as a council representative. He co-authored APTA’s recommended practices on BRT branding and developed a white paper on international public transport operations and maintenance models. Its recommendations were adopted as part of the association’s policy positions for the next federal transportation authorization legislation.

Henke has written extensively and addressed numerous conferences on a broad range of urban transportation topics, including streetcar and BRT technology trends, standards development, public-private partnerships, innovative financing strategies, small-starts policy, and strategic planning.

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