BNSF speeding post-Harvey progress

Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief

Citing improving conditions and strong efforts by m/w crews, rail service impacted by Hurricane Harvey on most BNSF subdivisions in the Houston area and throughout southeastern Texas has been restored. All BNSF rail yards and facilities in the region are open.

BNSF’s Longview and Silsbee Subdivisions near the Louisiana border remain out of service. In addition, direct rail service between Houston and locations in Louisiana, which includes access through Dayton and Beaumont utilizing trackage rights over Union Pacific, remains blocked as restoration efforts continue. However, BNSF estimates both subdivisions as well as the impacted main lines east of Houston will to return to service late Wednesday, Sept. 6.

BNSF reports it is also experiencing ongoing problems involving the primary main line that provides access, via trackage rights over Union Pacific, to locations southwest of Houston, including Corpus Christi and Brownsville. Major bridge repair work needed near Sweeny, Tex., will require an extended track outage. BNSF is re-routing or diverting “as much traffic as possible” around this affected location as well as other areas that are currently blocked.

“To avoid additional supply chain disruptions, we are not servicing customer facilities that have yet to restore operations,” BNSF said. “We are asking that customers—both shippers and receivers—advise us of any impacts to their operations and facilities. We also ask that shippers communicate with receivers in the Gulf Coast region to ensure they are operational before sending shipments. We will continue to provide customers with further updates.”hurricane harvey map 9 5 01


