Author: Chip Kraft


Amtrak needs to lead by example

If the new Amtrak management team is sincerely trying to improve safety, we ought to all support what they are doing. But if Amtrak is only using safety as a stalking horse to pursue another agenda (such as discontinuing L-D trains, as is believed in many circles), it should be called out on it.


A framework for “meaningful mobility”

Richard Anderson, Amtrak’s new President and CEO, has been bringing a “business approach” to intercity rail passenger service. Although the Northeast Corridor (NEC) has huge capital costs, Amtrak’s services in the NEC at least produce a positive operating cash flow, and state-supported services elsewhere at least break even. Anderson has correctly identified the long-distance passenger train network as a source of unfunded operating losses.


NTSB missed the mark

The NTSB analysis of the 2016 Amtrak backhoe accident on the Northeast Corridor at Chester, Pa., that killed two m/w workers and injured 39 has missed the mark. This incident is by no means the first of its kind.