Author: Bay Area Rapid Transit Communications Department

Actor Will Smith with BART employees on-set of “The Pursuit of Happyness” in 2005. (Caption and Photograph Courtesy of BART)

50 Years of BART: Behind-the-Scenes Movie Filming

There’s an early scene in 2006 hit film “The Pursuit of Happyness” in which Chris Gardner, played by Will Smith, races to catch a San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) train with the bone density scanner he’s hawking. Gardner makes it on the train, but the doors slam shut on his hand that holds the prized scanner.

Bah Bah BART: Grazing Goats Are Back, Reducing Fire Danger

Editor’s Note: In another rather offbeat story, Bay Area Rapid Transit employs goats for brush cutting and “lawn maintenance” on some portions of its right-of-way prone to trackside fire. We thought this rather innovative use of natural resources would grab your attention, not get your goat. — William C. Vantuono

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How One BART Track Operator Forged Her Own Path

Editor’s Comment: Here, courtesy of Bay Area Rapid Transit, is an inspiring story of a young Vietnamese immigrant who, seeking a better life, came to the United States. Thu Nguyen is just one example of how the rail industry is embracing ethnic, cultural, racial and gender diversity. She, and others like her, are the future, not only of rail, but of America. This story was written for the general public—hence, the simplified, “non-railroad-jargon” language, but it’s well worth reading for us “industry folk.” – William C. Vantuono