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OLI ‘Choose Safety First’ PSA Targets Non-Railroad Trackside Workers

Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief
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Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) has released Choose Safety First, a new public service announcement (PSA) aimed at municipal workers, utility workers and others whose jobs bring them near railroad tracks and crossings. The PSA, available in English and Spanish, “encourages safe choices for these essential workers,” OLI said.

The PSA, funded by the Federal Highway Administration, shows workers in three rail-related scenarios: a landscaping crew member mowing grass near railroad tracks, a worker whose vehicle stalls on the tracks, and a surveyor attempting to get a specific line of sight. All three vignettes are included in the 70-second PSA; three shorter versions show the individual scenarios.

“When work takes you near railroad tracks and trains, it’s imperative that you make safe choices,” said OLI Executive Director Rachel Maleh. “Choose Safety First highlights the right choices when working near trains and tracks arming workers with lifesaving information. OLI urges municipal employers, engineering companies and other organizations to share this PSA with their workers. Together, we can stop track tragedies.”

“Safety is our top priority, because we believe that everyone – construction workers, commuters, and the traveling public – should be able to leave home knowing they’ll make it back safely,” said Federal Highway Administrator Shailen Bhatt. “We are proud to partner with Operation Lifesaver on this campaign to improve safety for workers and all those whose lives come near to where roads and rails intersect.” 

The new PSA and shorter versions are available on the OLI website as well as in the website’s Materials section

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