Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act

Another Step Closer to North Carolina/Virginia HrSR

A $47.55 million grant has been awarded to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the purchase of CSX’s S-Line rail corridor from Raleigh to Ridgeway, N.C., near the Virginia state line, which will eventually contribute to higher-speed rail (HrSR) service to the Southeast.

OneRail: A FAST Policy Proposal

Now that the impeachment of President Trump has ended, Congress is expected get back to work on its legislative agenda, which by most accounts has a huge backlog. One of the priorities is developing bipartisan legislation reauthorizing infrastructure funding programs under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, currently set to expire on Sept. 30, 2020. The OneRail Coalition has released a policy proposal with the organization’s FAST priorities.