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RSSI issues update on grade crossing legislation

Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief

The six-year, $500 billion surface transportation bill spearheaded by Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), chairman of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, would terminate the Section 130 rail-highway grade crossing program two years after enactment, according to an update Tuesday provided by Railway Systems Suppliers, Inc. (RSSI).


Said RSSI, “This bill, The Surface Transportation Authorization Act, terminates the Section 130 rail-highway grade crossing program in two years and consolidates the funding and such authority that remains into the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).”

“This means that if the Chairman’s bill is allowed to remain as crafted, two things happen. First, the annual $220 million Section 130 Rail-Highway grade Crossing program disappears in two years. Second, it is combined with 21 other major highway safety programs, thereby requiring grade crossing interests to compete for limited Federal safety dollars,” RSSI said.

RSSI noted that a coalition of rail interests was working to advance an amendment to the authorization, House Resolution H.R. 2125. Language in the amendment “extends the authorization and funding of the Section 130 program through 2014 and beyond, if possible.”
